Good pictures..Killed a crow two weeks ago that had a mouth full of corn bread. I have no idea where he picked it up..We've killed a bunch with pecans still in their mouths. In stead of "Different things in a crows beak" here is one with something different on a crows beak..He's an odd one..
-- Edited by Mark on Sunday 6th of March 2011 03:42:32 PM
Interesting photo I must say. It looks like his top bill mandible is pretty much gone and he was feeding in some spread manure. Do you know if this is correct?
Bob A.
To listen to this radio talk show go to episode 12, Bob Aronsohn
Part of the top beak was partially gone and it had developed some type of hard scab or "calcium" over time.. Looks like manure but very hard "calcium." Not sure if he was born that way, been shot at and received damage, got in a fight with a hawk or busted it on some hard pecan or something..Who knows? He was a unique critter that had an abnormal beak for sure.. I shot a peg leg several years ago..He was funny looking critter..
I haven't posted for a while but these pics were up on the old board. The first bird had what appeared to be a pizza crust. I could tell this one was carrying something even before I pulled the trigger on him.
This one had what was leftover from a baby chicken. These birds were taken in the same area but in different hunts and different seasons. I have also had a few times when I could see the crow was carrying an object but couldn't find what it was when I went out to retrieve him.
-- Edited by frostytd on Monday 7th of March 2011 11:36:51 AM
The peg leg crows either loose there legs from traps, being hit with a piece of shot or just freeze and fall off. You're other photos are interesting to look at.
Bob A.
To listen to this radio talk show go to episode 12, Bob Aronsohn
Yes, the pictures are pretty interesting.. The peg leg was interesting too. If you look at the picture his other leg took had a trace of blood where he took some shot just before we harvested him.. I learned crow hunting from J. Tomlin and each time he picked up a "downed" bird he would always give them a hard look.. I never knew why until I started looking myself.. If only a crow could talk with us, what we could learn.. Thank you for all the invaluable information you provide.. Mark
I once saw 15-20 crows raid a cottontail nest when I was about 8-9 years old. It was one of most horrific sounds I ever heard, and I believe they will eat almost anything. By the time it was over the scene was carnage I shot 2 with my pellet gun but they just kept at it. That was when I decided they needed to be hunted relentlessly!
whatever i'm doing i'm thinking about crow hunting
I once shot this crow with a .177 pellet rifle and apparently it didn't go all the way in and it developed a growth as I did shoot it with my shotgun several miles away at another farm! It looked like it had a huge pot belly! I examined it and thought long and hard then it hit me! This was the crow that flew away the year before! Talk about lead poisoning!