I'm new to the sport. Ive been researching all summer and am finally getting some weekends to free up so i really need to figure out where I can hunt. I am an avid duck hunter but I just can't wait for the winter any longer. I live in Athens, GA and would love to know where I can go within 2-3 hours from here- any public land, WMAS, etc.. would be great. I know that NC and TN has seasons beginning in August so I can get to WMA's in both of those states withing 3.5 hours. Pleases respond with help, I'm trying to hunt em this weekend if possible. My dog needs a run and so do i!
Hey Athens, I used to live and duck hunt there too. At least on the public land down by the river. Always heard crows there too but didn't hunt them until I moved. Is Clarke county still crazy? lol. Two rivers in that down and you have to drive 45 minutes to find a boat ramp....
I've heard crows love cow pastures or anything that has manure on it, so next time when you're out in the country check those pastures. My buddies friend owns horses and crows like to hang around. I was always kind of afraid to ask farmers and land owners for permission but they never say no, so dont be afriad to ask.
-- Edited by Duce on Friday 12th of August 2011 02:05:13 AM
A man can be beaten in two ways... he gives up or he dies.
Thanks for all your help, I think I'm going to take the pecan grove route, there are some good ones up near thomson. I heard some crows in my backyard this morning and my trigger finger got excited. I'll let you know how it ends up, Im trying to go as soon as possible. What are the laws concerning the season, If crows are causing damage for a farm, can't we hunt them as a nusiance animal out of season?
Jon and Duce are right!!! Farms!! I only hunt farms because I want to set up and kill crows!! Sweet corn is also thier favorite,and you sit in the corn,and blast away!!
I have never had a farmer say no,to you hunting crows,coyotes,pigeons and chucks on his land.If you show him how good you are with the responsiblity and privalage of hunting his farm,dont be suprised when he lets you hunt all of the other stuff like deer,turkeys and geese!!
-- Edited by SHANEDOG on Saturday 13th of August 2011 01:30:11 AM
Four in Bengazi died, Obama and Hillary lied,We must never forget!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome from XXXXXXX sorry I am to ashamed of my state to give it any airtime,,, Shane I had a guy call me last year that planted almost 20 acres of sweet corn. He makes a living truck farming and has a huge stand right on a main highway, grows strawberries, squash, beans and what have you. city folks buy all his stuff. Anyway he never harvested the first ear off that huge spread of corn. He swears it was all crow damage. The crows would cover it up and strip the ears down about half way and move to the next stalk. There were hundreds in his field at a time. I made a raid and did real good one day I thought the old man was gonna hug my neck, tried to buy me a case of shells. I hurt em good but it was too late for his crop. Goin back in about 9 weeks. He owns a ton of ground, and guess who's got a key to the gate
WHY DID I KNOW THAT SHANEDOG WOULD BE THE FIRST ONE TO RAT ME OUT You have no idea how embarrassed I am to be from Illinois,,,,,,, Our govenor just legalized same sex marriage,,,,,GEEZ They were lined up for miles to hook up the next day. They even get hospitalization,,,,,On the same plan
Your best bet would be with pecan orchard owners. Georgia out produces Texas in the pecan market, so you should have plenty of orchardman who will be interested in availing themselves of your service. I don't know about the rules and regulations in Georgia so I suggest you start there to determine what you can and cannot do and when.
You should also note that there are more than a few Southern guys who post here who are already ahead of you in that regard in your state and who have invested a lot of time, money and energy building relationships with orchardmen, so be careful that you don't encroach on another hunter's honey hole. No, change that, be VERY careful you don't encroach.
WHY DID I KNOW THAT SHANEDOG WOULD BE THE FIRST ONE TO RAT ME OUT You have no idea how embarrassed I am to be from Illinois,,,,,,, Our govenor just legalized same sex marriage,,,,,GEEZ They were lined up for miles to hook up the next day. They even get hospitalization,,,,,On the same plan
Heck now you are giving all of the illegal immigrants drivers licenses too! All of the signs will probably have to have the Spanish alternative added to them also.....