Shot with 2nd cousin today at his mom's house. She has 17 pecan trees and the crows were taking all the nuts. The location is such that the best place to set up was against the house. We picked up 68 the killed another one after the pictures and lost 9 in the woods for a total of 78. Also killed a squirrel..We should of had.... more..The first shot was fired at 6:59 a.m.. The neighbors just loved us being there..
That's cool and clever. I considered setting up outside a Bojangles one time. Somebody spilled some french fries and several of 'em were all over the parking lot.
Long story about breakfast.. Short of it is, my cousin went inside for a full b fast from his mama (I ate at 5:30 a.m) and I stayed out and killed 5 birds..His breakfast cost us an addtional 5-6 birds...It could have been a 100 bird day...Yes, the Nut Wizzard works well on 12ga hulls, beats the heck out of picking them up by hand...Yes shoot/ set up was not your typical set up at all.. The crows had been in the "orchard" for a long time and no one shot at them.. Today was different..
Mark: Clearly a diet of pecans and lead is fatal to crows! Excellent work and fine pictures. For a minute there, I thought you were shooting out of the windows at your cousin's house. Busting the homestead crows I bet was a big surprise for the pecan eaters!
Good news is, all the neighbors were called and informed so no issues... They said kill the SOB's ( screeching old birds : )...I forgot to add that we landed two crows on the roof.. I ended up having to get a ladder and get the downed birds off so others would not decoy to them..I tossed one of the dead birds form the roof just over my cousins head and I he almost throw his gun at it...Funny as he!!...
Unorthodox as all get out but totally effective!!!!!! I'm afriad you woulda had to hope my belly growling wouldn't flare those bandits!! Good shoot guys!!
Thank you for the nice comments.. A crow hunter is a different breed and I'm proud to be one. Ihave had the honor and privilege of hunting with some true "crow busters"..and it is a true pleasure...You know who they are..: )
Very unique situation you have there Mark! We should all be that lucky. And the savings on fuel costs speak volumes. Outstanding job, thanks for sharing.
Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid. John Wayne
I just ordered another Nut Wizzard from Seeds and Such. (1-888-321-9445 ) I talked with the kind customer service person and negotiated a deal for all my fellow crow busters. If you mention Crow Busters you will receive $5.00 off your next order.