I have found a flyway into a large cultivated ag area. All birds are coming into the area and landing in a hundred acre field. They are grouping up into bunches of 25 or so then leaving for other areas close by. All this is taking place as the birds are coming of the roost. Anyone ever seen this? We will be shooting this "staging area" in the morning. Should be fun.
"If money can fix it, it ain't broke" The great theologian and my crow hunting partner AW.
In the states that I hunt crows in you will see them go from one area to the next, they hedge hop there way out to feed while others go straight to where they want to feed. The ones that go straight to where they want to feed are the ones that fly high and are feeding way out, perhaps as far as 20 miles from the roost.
If you hunt to close to the roost (within 1 or 2 miles in the morning) your shooting will only last about an hour and you will be done. Inorder to kill a lot of them you have to get out where a good portion of them are feeding and trading around.
Bob A.
To listen to this radio talk show go to episode 12, Bob Aronsohn
Hey Bob.
Do you think it would be better to back up another 1/2 mile from the roost and shoot them as the disperses into the other feeding areas? There is actually a better spot to set up there but will have to wait on birds to come out of this first field.
Thank you for your previous reply.
"If money can fix it, it ain't broke" The great theologian and my crow hunting partner AW.
If you have them coming out into your general area by the hundreds then yes, I would back off more for sure. This way they will be more strung out and you won't be shooting at mobs of them at once.
Bob A.
To listen to this radio talk show go to episode 12, Bob Aronsohn
That is exactly what we thought after we read your first post. We decided to back up into the feeding area by 3/4 miles on top of a hill. We can still see the treeline where they are coming from 1 mile away. We will take field glasses and watch them. Thanks for the advice.
"If money can fix it, it ain't broke" The great theologian and my crow hunting partner AW.