Hey, I've seen several comments about how we use the same e-caller sounds all over the world. I have taken various commercial and non-commercial crow sounds and used Audacity editing software that I downloaded on line to mix up some of my own sounds. You can copy and paste portions to repeat, delete parts, add silence, break up parts, etc. and basically create a nice library. For example, I took crow fight and owl and deleted the owl.
It is software for editing music, but it works with almost any audio file. I still suck, but it's worth a try.
Yep. Have used that program several times and it does well. My favorite is a JS sequence I made using "Come here crow" followed by Crow Fight the finally Owl and Crow with the owl taken out. The sequence last 30 min with each running for around 10 minuets. Lots of time when the sound changes the birds start coming in again.
"If money can fix it, it ain't broke" The great theologian and my crow hunting partner AW.