Went this morning to the new farm I got permission for. Ended up going with a friend from my archery club, he lives next to the farm. We went in at 5:30 am to build a quick blind. I had taken my Christmas tree and a truck load of white-pine branches. We built our blind and put out decoys and callers. We were done setting up at 6:30. I set up 6 full-bodies on the ground, my new Triple-play motion deke, and 2 full bodies in the trees. With 2 e-callers going full blast, (mine on dying crow, his on crow frenzy), we had instant action. We were shooting so fast that I was literally keeping my hands warm on the barrels of my Nitro Special. The new Triple Play decoy really kept their attention.
About 10am Josh's son Dalton joined us. Josh and I had about 60 dead by then. We ran out of shells so ran to Walmart at noon time. We picked up Josh's other son Jacob then also. Jake is about 11 yrs old and killed his first crow, and nailed it on the fly. AN AWESOME SHOT! He got 5 I believe today.
Long story shortwe killed somewhere around 120 crows. Some hopped away and several fell across an overflowed stream behind us. We took photos of 102 dead crows.
This one had a funky foot.
This crow fell and stuck his head between two saplings.
Forgot to mention that we put a piece of coyote hide on the center of that new decoy. It made it look like they were feeding on a carcass. After we killed a couple crows, I cut one open and flung blood all over the snow around it. I think it definitely helped.
Do you use use a counter to mark birds? When we started using one we realized we were only picking up about 60-70% on most hunts. You wont believe how many more birds are actually falling to the ground that you don't pick up.If you picked up 102 for the pic, I bet the total was over 120.
"If money can fix it, it ain't broke" The great theologian and my crow hunting partner AW.
Loved the carnage pic!!!!!!! Congratulations on the new record & a successful hunt!! Good thing you had a backup plan with the young lads as well!! Congratulations to Jake on the 1st of many MANY bandits as well!!
Do you use use a counter to mark birds? When we started using one we realized we were only picking up about 60-70% on most hunts. You wont believe how many more birds are actually falling to the ground that you don't pick up.If you picked up 102 for the pic, I bet the total was over 120.
There is no doubt that we killed over 120. Many birds flew straight at us and when shot, continued to go behind and down to crash behind us. The stream behind us is flooded with slush, don't know how deep, but over my boots. Must have had 10 or more go back there. We had 6 or 8 get winged and they crash landed out in the field or off to one side. About a dozen got up and walked off across the field. Once we figured out thear we were going to run out of cartridges, we stopped shooting the ones on the ground. Coyote bait.......