Check out this website You will love it!!!! it is 24/7 coverage of a live eagles nest in Iowa, I have found myself glued to it. she just flew off to feed. Thier are at least 12000 people viewing at all times. She is getting ready to lay her first egg. I was only watching for 3 minutes and heard my first bandit in the back ground. Its amazing and very addicting. I can't wait to view it tonight. The eagles have bred several times and the eggs are coming. this camera will be live on the nest until the eaglets are raised and fly off the nest. They will radio tag the fledglings and be tracked for the rest of their life. When you log in scroll down and you can see the tracking of last years eagles that were reared in the very same nest. The male brought a rabbitt to the nest the other day,,, very cool to watch and extremely addicting. Makes you want to kill every sparrow you see in the future. You will see what I'm talking about when you log in.......
Dont do it kev When the eggs hatch all the GPA's will drop. The students will get no sleep, I have sat as long as 5 hours without a p break. If you let it it will destroy your entire spring. The parents work their self to death feeding the young. You will be amazed at what they drag to the nest when the chicls get old enough to feed on meat. I'm waiting for them to flop a fawn on the nest. I've seen ducks, geese, pigeons, cats, anything you can imagine, 2 nights ago an owl swooped in on the nest. The male eagle whipped its butt. It was awesome!!!!!
Dont do it kev When the eggs hatch all the GPA's will drop. The students will get no sleep, I have sat as long as 5 hours without a p break. If you let it it will destroy your entire spring. The parents work their self to death feeding the young. You will be amazed at what they drag to the nest when the chicls get old enough to feed on meat. I'm waiting for them to flop a fawn on the nest. I've seen ducks, geese, pigeons, cats, anything you can imagine, 2 nights ago an owl swooped in on the nest. The male eagle whipped its butt. It was awesome!!!!!
Sometimes the camera will pan. It is operated by volunteers. Start checking it daily, when the mother lays her eggs she will be on the nest alot. Then when they hatch, your done,,,,,hooked for the duration I guarantee,,,you wont leave your seat,,, it is more addicting than a good flyway shoot. There is a fish hatchery across the road. The chicks get a ton of protien. I wish I would have never stumbled on this site. Kinda like the CB site, I would have been better off financialy and mentally without it
Sometimes the camera will pan. It is operated by volunteers. Start checking it daily, when the mother lays her eggs she will be on the nest alot. Then when they hatch, your done,,,,,hooked for the duration I guarantee,,,you wont leave your seat,,, it is more addicting than a good flyway shoot. There is a fish hatchery across the road. The chicks get a ton of protien. I wish I would have never stumbled on this site. Kinda like the CB site, I would have been better off financialy and mentally without it
I just shot two sparrows off my bird feeder, male and a female, It helps me enjoy the nest gazing, I have a buddy that has lost his mind and watches this nest 12 or 13 hours a day. He said the female killed and ate one of the sparrows that are constantly bugging the eagles when they are home.