do you guys think blind that is basically made out of this would be a good blind for crows?
i plan to put some vegitation around it to make it blend in more and it will have to be put up the morning im hunting as i will be hunting public ground. Would it affect how the crow came in if if it is set out in the early mouring (well before sunup) the day im gonna be hunting?
Camo burlap is the best thing we have tried. It does not get hung in the briars as bad as the mil spec or other camos we have tried. The cut leaves in that one could hang and rip in the brush. Burlap doesn't give off any reflective light. Some fabrics do.
To answer your original question, Yes, it will work.
"If money can fix it, it ain't broke" The great theologian and my crow hunting partner AW.
I does work but it the sun gets behind you it will light up like a Christmas tree, learned from personal experience.. Burlap is a much better option IMHO.
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