Was trying to update the firmware to 1.3 by copying files over to my Alpha Dogg, and now it doesn't work at all. I should have just left it alone -- it was working fine! From everything I've read on Primos website, I'm screwed and need to replace it.
I was looking at those callers, and to be honest, that is one of the reasons I didn't get one. I read that there are some issues with down loading new call's into them.........and I am far from a computer expert.......wouldn't take a lot to confuse me. Took me quite a while to figure out how to download into Fox Pro.......Didn't think I was up to anything more complicated than that.......
Hope Primos will help you with it. If that happened with Fox Pro, I think those guys would repair unit instead of making you buy whole new one, hopefully Primos will help you.. Let us know how you make out with it.
So can you download more sounds in it ? Or do you have to live with whats on it from factory?......not knocking the call.....just tryen to learn more about it.
Replaced the whole unit... and you can download any .mp3 sounds. Some of the downloaded calls, however, show up as "no name" when transferred to the unit. Primos is working on a fix for that.
Just to be clear... I love the Alpha Dogg, and adding sounds (.mp3) is not difficult. There are some glitches with the unit, but Primos has been really good about trying to remedy. And like I said, the thing that screwed me up was trying to do an upgrade to Firmware 1.3 -- I'll avoid that for now with my new unit since it works as is.
Rook, did primos replace that under the warranty ? Would you buy the call again if you could do it over ? Just curious as I'm looking to upgrade my Johnny Stewart next season.
Yes, they would have, but I was able to return it to the store and get a new one because it was within 90 days. I would buy it still knowing what I know now.
How good is the Primos Alpha Dogg ? I know it's a lot of money, but is it worth it, or is the Fox Pro a better buy ? What would be cool is to have a caller that could mix two or three calls over each other, but I guess that means I'll just have to buy a couple of call units instead
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