Lettuce, tomato, barley, in fact prety much ANY YOUNG shoots coming out of the ground. Go to the market garden centre and buy some young plants, then put them out in the garden. Apart from snares, the only way you'll get rid of them is ferreting or shooting. They tend to come out mostly at dusk or even darker, although the odd ones will come out during the day. Try and sit with a silenced subsonic 22 (Be very quiet, avoid movement), and then wait for them to come to the new plants. In England they often take anything between 40 and 60 rabbits a night like that, but I tend to get 5-15 on an evening for 2-4 hours of sitting down and waiting.
-- Edited by Redditch on Tuesday 12th of June 2012 06:58:41 AM
If it moves and is legal but also moral, SHOOT IT !!
My boys are finally old enough for me to have a garden in the back yard. I have some half to 3/4 grown rabbitts eating me out of house and home. Anybody got a suggestion what to bait a live trap with to catch em?? I catch a coon per night with jack mackeral and have emptied the town of cats. I cant seem to get the rabbits to come in. I tried apples and caught coons These rabbits have destroyed mt radishes and the lettuce was gone before I got a bite. I shot one but that was pure luck and don't have time to sit in the evening or at night and wait on em. Need to trap em then CB cap em,I need some tips!!!!!
Never heard of anyone baiting them. Might try one of some of that lettuce or radishes. The only way I know of to successfully trap them is with a snare. I would pick them off with a light and a .22.
"If money can fix it, it ain't broke" The great theologian and my crow hunting partner AW.
The quietest guns to use are either an air rifle, or a subsonic 22LR, the latter silenced/moderated.
Other than that, if you are stuck at longer ranges, uses any 22 rimfire HV or 17HMR with silencer/moderator.
-- Edited by Redditch on Tuesday 12th of June 2012 02:36:26 PM
If it moves and is legal but also moral, SHOOT IT !!
ALSO WAY OFF THE SUBJECT... am headed West Saturday.. prairie dog hunt. I take my crow calls..etc.. rarely see any crows but those I do respond readily to calling. Guess they are not hunted much plus there are few places to hide! Anyone hunt crows in South Dakota?
It was never that good, on a good day you could shoot 50 to 60 but it was still fun. Thats when I lived on the Missouri River in Chamberlain, SD. All the crows were migrants out of Canada, the crows started to arrive in mid September. Shot plenty of Sharptails in that country.
Bob A.
To listen to this radio talk show go to episode 12, Bob Aronsohn
Have you ever seen the movie Caddy Shack.......Follow Bill Murrey's logic.......shape some C-4 in the shape of little female Rabbits......when the Bunnys show up..... hit the switch......