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Thermacell - do they work?

Anyone used a Thermacell in the blind during the early season to keep the mosquitos at bay?  If so how did it work?


Professor, NH Crow Hunting Academy

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I never go hunting without my thermacell. I use it for deer hunting from september until the mosquitos disappear. It works really good and it doesn't spook deer either.


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They are AWESOME!


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Third best invention ever… right behind cleavage and sliced bread.


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I will say this about the thermocell, I thought it was a gimmic Thru and Thru. I had a friend that forced me to take one to a river bottoms on a turkey hunt. The skeeters were so thick a guy had to breath thru his teeth. I lit the thermocell and was walking to a roosted bird thru the swamp. I could hear the skeeters humming. I never once had a bite or even a fly by. The dam thing was amazing!!!! I could see deer fly's make a loop around my area as the flew toward me. I found out one thing for sure tho, it does nothing for ticks and chiggers they ate me up. I went that nite and bought my own. Be sure to buy the holster if you get one so you can hook it to your belt. I'm not sure how they would work with a light breeze. I'm also sure that they will be outlawed after the election!!!! Obama will find something NOT GREEN enough about themno


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Will they work Vertically?? Or do they have to be Horizontal. Im gonna get one forsure.



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I thought they where gimmicky too,got one for free  being  sponsor that year at a NWTF banquet,when I tried it that spring turkey hunting I was shocked the damn thing worked as claimed,surprised they are still making them .Anytime someone comes out with a product that works that well in the hunting industry it always disappears.Don't know about the third best invention though Critter,I agree i luv cleavage and sliced bread,but would have to add daisy duke , shorty shorts and skinny jeans un fortunately over weight women have ruined spandex for


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I use one deer hunting. If there is a light breeze, set it on the up wind side of you. I hog hunt all summer and wouldn't still be alive if not for my ThermoCell. LOL


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Puppypopper loves his.

I have not gotten around to buying one yet. I'm sensitive to chemical fumes.



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hey nh, what's up with the distress signal?



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They work vertically fine. The only time I've had problems is when it is very low on fuel. They tend to go out then, I think it is dupont that makes OFF. They seem to be scrambling to come up with something similar.



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jonthepain wrote:

hey nh, what's up with the distress signal?


Hey Jon, glad to see somebody knows what it signals.  Per the US Flag code is signifies extreme danger to life and property. In the last few weeks we have seen the Supreme Court rule that stolen valor is OK, that Arizona can't enforce federal imigration law when it comes to illegal aliens and that each of us can be taxed for not purchasing an insurance policy.  Now Justice Scalia warns gun control is coming and the Obama administration is looking to ban internet sales of ammunition just for starters. From my perspective this all adds up to extreme danger to my liberty and my property.


Professor, NH Crow Hunting Academy

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chip wrote:

They work vertically fine. The only time I've had problems is when it is very low on fuel. They tend to go out then, I think it is dupont that makes OFF. They seem to be scrambling to come up with something similar.

  Hey Thanks Chip!!



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I'll make my first post here a recommendation for a product even if that may make you skeptical. I myself was skeptical of the thermacell working so well until i had it on a 35 ft boat over the fourth of July and none of the patrons on the boat were bit during the 45 minute period we were in the slip.

A week later i was changing my brakes in the garage and started getting bit like crazy and grabbed the thermacell. Bugs bites stopped as soon as the cell was heated and i even turned it off at one point and didnt get bit for another 15 minutes (probably because the grill was still hot enough to heat the chemical). In the morning i went out to my car and it was covered in dead insects.

Went out crow hunting for my first time and i went out in the mid-afternoon thinking the bugs wouldnt be too bad and i was sorely mistaken. I will not leave my thermacell at home now. I just wish i had gotten the holster when i purchased it. Walking between rows of pine trees with the cell is pretty awesome because you can see the bugs flying in the other "lanes" between the trees trying to get at you.



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NH,These guys are spot on,I am very sensitive to any insect repellant on my skin or cloths.The Thermacell was the ticket,even bought one for my Dad,he loves it!!


Your dead on with the distress signal,the American leftists,and Gubmint aparrachics are positioning for total control off our lives.

If they control your education,job,food,media,retirement money, and so on,they control your vote.

But lets face it,the wheels of America came off on Nov.22 1963. We allowed LBJ to lie us into war,we bought the fraud of the Warren Commision,and we sat back and allowed the biggest theft of wealth from the middle class with the roll out of the "Great Society"



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Unfortunately, Shane and NH, you guys are absolutely correct.


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I bought one that stays in my turkey vest. The 2nd one is my "for whatever else" & the 3rd one Diane uses when she sets outside in the evening & reads. This prolly doesn't answer your question with a yes or no but for me it's a definitive answer nonetheless. biggrin


I told a couple people if they didnt like theirs I would buy it from them also. They won't sell theirs tho!!

Rest In Peace Russ,Blaine,Darrell


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The Thermo cell has it's downfalls tho!! It's expensive for the refills. And I haven;t nailed down the lasting times for the pads. I was in a bottoms yesterday morning. This drought has the bushy tails cuttin like it's the first week of September. I had a new fuel bottle but only one pad that was new. I didn't even hear a skeeter from 5am til 7:30am. I got bit a couple times and boogied out of the woods. My new pad was white when I got to the truck. Puppypopper had a thread on here maybe a year ago or so that explained how to refill the butane bottle at home! (I think it was pup) I'm waiting for him or Shanedog to figure out how to refil the pad. I can't find the thread on refilling the bottle. Between these two guy's and this website I'm sure by next spring we will be making our own pads and bottlesbiggrin How long is a pad effective anybody knowdoh I'm ready to use mine in the dove field and the crow blind!!!!!  It can get very hot also in the summer, Some sack will get a burn by one and sue the company, I can see it comingno

-- Edited by chip on Sunday 5th of August 2012 01:00:00 PM


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The pads are advertised at 4 hours. The butane for 12 hours. I get around 3 1/2hrs per pad. A lot of times that will get me to the warmer part of the day when the mosquitos go down for the day. 

Rest In Peace Russ,Blaine,Darrell


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Okay guys here you go,save some money on the butane............







 Four in Bengazi died, Obama and Hillary lied,We must never forget!!!!!!!!!!


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ThermaCell $5 rebate coupon good for purchase through 8/31.



-- Edited by nhcrowshooter on Saturday 11th of August 2012 09:29:38 PM


Professor, NH Crow Hunting Academy

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I just bought a thermacell when I bought my yearly case of steel for waterfowl. Hunted with people who had them and can;t believe it took me this long to get one!

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