Just recentley we mowed our hay field and I thought this would be a perfect chance to try out the new "Cawlin Crow" and "triple play motion crow" decoys from Edge by Expedite, that I got for my birthday. Waking up around 7:30 there had to be about 70 crows in our field. Although I figured they would retreat and never come back, if I went and set up my decoys and sat in my blind, which was set up two days prior, I still did. Although the majority flew away.. the others sat in the tree tops farther away, they watched me as I set up my two decoys and got in my blind. Slowely the smaller murders of crows flew in, attracted by the sound of the cawlin crow and the motion of the triple play, two actually sat beside the decoys. I was able to get ten in that one morning, even though they watched me set up the spread. I gottta admit..it's alot more fun than dove hunting. I highley suggest giving these two decoys a try! Since I just started crow hunting..Im open for any advice. Thanks.