I found an old crow call while cleaning out my grandfather's shop. It is a Maywald Perefecawl. I am having a hard time finding any info on these. I know they were made in the 50's and 60's in Lombard illinois. I am wondering if it is worth anything???
I'm not sure if it's valuable or not but my grandfather is one of the two men who made the calls. If you just want to get rid I it I would like to have it for that reason.
Terrific rare old call. Great & knowledgeable seller. Buyer: Member id devanvil ( Feedback Score Of 706Purple star icon for feedback score in between 500 to 999) Jun-01-11 14:27 Maywald Perfectcawl rare and Vintage (#270750091246) US $100.00
and another
good transaction, nice emails, good packing and shipping A++++thank you. Member ID afweid ( Feedback score of 309Teal star icon for Feedback score between 100 to 499) 26-Feb-10 12:09 Maywalds Perfecawl, Lombard,ILL-Crow Game Call-Vintage (#310200822313) US $57.00
"Crow Hunting Crow hunting is advocated for the gunner who wants to shoot the i year around because every crow j killed means that a few more song bird eggs will That is why you occasionally see small birds chasing large Crow hunting and calling Is a science and Eddie of Dal bagged 22 crows with in three hours at the National Crow Shoot at Vandalia in Walt Maywald of became this years champion crow caller at the shoot the crow shooter is wel by the farmer whereas he would not be If he were hunting quail or The shooter should wear a camouflage talk the crows language on a crow and possess better than average shooting"
Most old crow calls are worth something. Best to just stick them under glass, and accrue in value. i have seen old Illinois/Missouri area wooden crow calls from the 50s' or when ever go for big bucks on E-bay. Generally $300.00 or a little higher so you don't want to drag that one afield where you could lose it!