To build on Bob A's and Greg's answers, an excellent paint for decoys is Krylon Fusion Ultra Flat Black. It even sticks well to plastic and many other paints won't do that for you.
-- Edited by Gadget Bob on Wednesday 29th of August 2012 01:46:08 AM
Been looking at this site since late last year when I told myself, "That's what I need to do to increase my outdoor time and hunting seasons. I’ve been using a Mossberg 500 as my all-around turkey, deer, and crow gun. I have a FoxPro Spitfire, recently upgraded with a mix of Bob Aronsohn and FoxPro calls—it brings them in as if they’re on drugs. I made some decoys earlier this year based upon an old 30s Popular Science design.
I think they look pretty good and the crows seem to be interested. I also made a fake garbage bag to carry them in to setups. It has a couple of Wendy’s articles tied to it to appear as a garbage bag has split open. A friend jokes that this works on “city crows” that hang around garbage trucks, but not “country crows.”Good reasoning, but the decoys seem to increase crow interest, as you can see on the photo where one "dropped in" on me to become an additional decoy. Still learning about camouflage/blind techniques and learning to wing shoot, as these crows don’t stand still at 50M like paper targets do. Couple of questions:
1. I’ve read that birds can see UV light well. How important is UV protection on clothing? That is, not using detergent with brighteners on hunting clothing.
2. We don’t have big flocks around here that seem to come in endlessly as they do for the lucky guys on U-Tube videos that I watch (with envy). Mine only come in twos or threes a couple of times and then stay away. Then I move on to another setup. I tend to not use camouflage gear and hide in trees until they are within range. It works, but is it better to use a portable blind? I’ll be trying one real soon.
3. Would UV paint enhance decoys realism (to crows)? Or, is it a gimmick and waste of money?
Looking forward to more reports of your hunts and to give a couple of mine later.
"Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from a slave." -- Andrew Fletcher 1698
Great to have you aboard!!! Love your avatar. Please tell me you pulled the lanyard on the Upshot-Knothole Grable nuke test shot! What a piece of our great American history.
I would suggest your load some of the classic Johnny Stewart Crow Sounds on your FoxPro, too. Owl & Crow Fight, Come Here Crow and Death Cry of a Crow are classics that always get them inbound with malice.
Question # 1. Just use earth tone colors (drab) and have plenty of cover to break up your outline, plus stay in the shade if at all possible.
Question # 2. Two's and threes are as good as it gets, ya can't kill em all anyway! As long as you have plenty of cover you don't really need a portable blind, later in the year yes when the leaves come off the trees.
Question # 3. I just use flat black spray paint on my crow decoys. Here is a photo.
Not sure if the UV paint is needed. Most here do not use it that I am aware of. Most of us use flat black all though there are a few that use paints with sheen. My guess is that it is a sales gimic.
Blinds work great and get you out of the trees so you can shoot easily. Need to keep them as small as possible with added natural cover. Camo is needed also.
Good luck.
"If money can fix it, it ain't broke" The great theologian and my crow hunting partner AW.
I'm not old enough an artilleryman to have participated in the "classic" nuke tests of the 50s. However, one of my former DIVARTY Commanders was once the platoon leader on one of the "Atomic Annies" a really impractical weapon (took hours to emplace...).
I used the Krylon flat black on the five decoys, as it was the only can of flat black I could find in the garage. Gadget Bob: Does FoxPro sell the Johnny Stewart calls? I did not see those. If not, are they available in FoxPro's proprietary format? Where?
Leaves will be on the trees around here for a couple of more months. Then they all fall in my yard. So, plenty of time to design a simple blind with a length of camou cloth and a couple of bungee cords. Sounds good.
Will be around. Appreciate the tips and affirmation!
"Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from a slave." -- Andrew Fletcher 1698
Look around Ebay and the Internet for the Johnny Steward Crow Calls Volume One Cd. It is out of production but old copies can be found. Those sounds can be copied directly to your FoxPro.
Your FoxPro will play .Mp3 and .Wav files, in addition to their .FXP proprietary format. Glad to hear you bought a FoxPro, we use them exclusively after trying others over the years, and they cannot be beat!
Very interesting about your old Commander being a platoon leader on a "Atomic Annie". Good old American know how, even if it did not prove practical. That test shot was only the second American "gun type" detonation after "Little Boy". Little Boy probably saved my Dad's life, as Operation Downfall could be cancelled. Dad ran an mobile SCR 270 radar unit for the 5th Air Force in the South Pacific opposing the Japanese Imperial Army and friends. His skills with radar operation were not going to be needed for the final invasion purposes - just another trigger puller was the plan of the day until the Japanese capitulated.
Old Artillaryman, your decoys look great, do they slide together so you can take them apart for transport? Your garbage and Wendy's refuse tied on made me smile. Good luck.
-- Edited by nhcrowshooter on Wednesday 29th of August 2012 12:28:57 PM
You might want to consider a neat idea that Zeddicus introduced us to and that is, take a old black sock and stretch it over your decoys. Its inexpensive, replaceable, durable, simple, offers a 'texture' to the surface and doesn't shine. Zed uses it on his plastic decoys. Your neat dekes are probably a little too large for a man's sock but if you could find Andre the Giant's old dress socks that you could pull over your wooden dekes, you could also provide some shaping.
Good idea. My wife is quite a seamstress. Maybe I can find some black, thin, stretchy material at the fabric store.
The trash bag idea developed from Army experiences in CA, at the National Training Center, when I evaluated units performance. I noticed the swarms of crows (and gulls) that followed the units' food service operations across the desert. The crows were heavily into the trash. I tried to get a couple with airbursts from my 37mm pyro pistol, but never did any damage to the crows, except to get their attention.
"Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from a slave." -- Andrew Fletcher 1698
No. When I cut them out of 1/4 plywood, I thought they would be too fragile to simply glue the "wings" on, so I drilled the wings to fit three shiskabob skewer pieces about 1 1/4" and the body at the appropriate places. Glued and pegged like this, they have proven very sturdy. I guess one could have made a cut in the flat body and kept the wings one piece, with a matching groove, making a two-piece decoy. Then at the setup, slide each piece together. The big black clips serve two purposes: as "feet" to stand them upright and also to clip them onto tree branches or cornstalks like this morning.
"Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from a slave." -- Andrew Fletcher 1698
Thanks. They do have the three dimensional advantage and they're cheap! Made (this time anyway) entirely from 1/4" scrap, old paint, and office binder clips.
I forgot to add the link to the old PS magazine where I found the template for my decoys.
There's lots of other interesting items in that PS issue. It's evident that folks had more time to do hand work and hobbies without TV, Internet, and other distractions tugging at them as is the case today.
-- Edited by Old Artilleryman on Tuesday 4th of September 2012 01:40:08 AM
"Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from a slave." -- Andrew Fletcher 1698
Brilliant idea but they sell silhouette crow decoys on Ebay about $25.00 before S&H but they are not as nice as yours; meaning, yours would still be visible directly over head.