The nets around the tennis court are held up by poles wrapped in green padding, like the swimming noodles ( don't know the technical term). This morning, the bottom foot or so was shredded on a few of them. At first it looked like it had been claws, but there were droppings that looks different from a cat, dog or tanuki. They were about a cm wide, and full of berries. The school is surrounded by pine trees, and you can constantly hear crows, but there are other roamers as well.
Does this sound like crows?
In a freer country the diagnosis would be acute lead poisoning served via a Marauder, but alas, so such luck here. Thinking about buying Ihunt on my Iphone and using the crow warning call, as we are setting up for Sports Day, and will have several loudspeakers around the playground.
I've never seen a tanuki but it seems from your post that you know your feces!
Sounds like you got a band of rodents of some type on the loose.
The only way you're going to get a definitive answer is to catch the beast in the act, 'ground check' him/her and perform the autopsy right there, on the spot, in-theatre, to confirm the consumption and log your evidence in anticipation of the investigation that is sure to follow.
Having said that and speaking for the Texas Crow Patrol in the confines of the Lone Star State, I'll be the first to admit that when confronted with the tanuki species of either sex, we would unload any weapons we have, with prejudice, on the hapless creature, followed by some picture taking. Then, we'd probably leave. I have seen a few in neighborhoods, and bodies in the road, so I think it is safe to say they are prevalent. The scratching were about 2ft high, so it would be within clawing distance.