This is one crow call i learned fast as to why it is no longer in production; it clogs really easy! I bought a used one and the best i could get was the short high pitched "caws" and that essentially was it. The kind of call you hear novices using ....over and over and over...sounds kind of funny. To be a good caller you got to be able to imitate the deathc ry, the fight call-the rlaly call, as well as feed and old crow ina tree watching things call...the latter you've unquestionably heard at the end of a field; it's a low gravelly "ccaawww, ccaaww. caaww"...but not ove rplayed. You hear this often in answer to the familier higher pitched "ought ought ought" 3 or 4 sharp calls...this means a crow is looking for company and the old crow would answer with that relaxed almost lazy low gravelly any case you won't be able to imitate that with this call...also I still don't know why everyone who I've seen hunt or call crows seems to think all crows do is "caw-caw-caw"? Too much Hee Haw or what? if you do rely extensively on that call and that one alone, don't over do it. Every so often. this is how i crow call: I hear a blue jay out there I wait until it's done calling before i call again. Don't over do it especially if your area has been getting hit pretty hard. you'll know it when crows fly way off in the distance over that ridge line whereas they'd fly right over head otherwise seemingly not caring. If that is the case-over hunted-you'd better bring a ton of decoys or they will avoid that field like the plague! And where it is legaL to shoot them? Yes, blue jays will often come to crow calls. But be wary fo ravens-they always come to crow calls. Always. bvut they are easily identified by their crazy croaking calls and that "bearded" throat , huge bill and wedge shaped tail and their "love" of soaring versus flying.Where i go I am often "mobbed' by chickadees curious as to what kind of green and brown crow I am-it gets funny I tell ya! They will buzz about your head calling and practically try to land on your head or your shoulder...funny i tell ya!
Other birds display curiosity as August when I used to go they often showed up to the calling as well as other species too. But i got side tracked (as usual). If anyone has success with the Herters' please let me know. Otehrwise my favorite call is still Haydels'....all the others are clones of pS my book...which is still miles ahead of Herters'...I have about a dozen or so crow calls. I have favorites but Haydels is the best in my book.