At our farm in Mississippi we are seeing more and more crows eating the corn on the ground around our deer feeders. I was wondering if anyone has ever built a platform and put corn on it to attract crows? It would have to be high enough to keep the deer off of it. Would love to train the crows in the area to come back to the feeder. Should make for a good hunt. Your thoughts?
In my area crows are migratory birds whitch puts them in the catagory like ducks and geese,and we would be considered baiting them if we feed them. So make sure you check your regulations first so you dont get jambed by the man. That being said try a old stom window screen on top of the feeder and put the corn on that. It gives them a place to land and will keep them coming to the feeder
If they are already using your feeders, then why do need a separate one for crows? You could probably have a good hunt with what you have. Give it a try and see what happens.
"If money can fix it, it ain't broke" The great theologian and my crow hunting partner AW.
The farm is right at the base of the hills near Grenada. There is a huge pine tree farm right across the river from us. Crows travel back and forth all day long. I have hunted there twice and managed to eliminate 22 one hunt and 24 another time. I take my two sons and a couple of their friends. We have a blind building contest the day before we hunt. Lots of fun!