So, upto now I've been using flocked full bodied crow decoys, but these are expensive at £7.50 each plus P&P
Saw some full bodied the other day on EBAY £48.00 for 24 INCLUDING P&P so snapped some up. When the arrived I discovered they were extremely bright and shiney, and unflocked.
Yep, I know I can get a home flocking kit, which will flock 10 full bodied, but that is another £13.00 plus P&P, so say at least another £45.00 to add on top.
I stead I decided to paint them, using Matt black spray paint. The one I chose was PLASTI-KOTE which coats plastics without needing a primer, and won't cause them to melt.
Bought three 400ml cans for £7.00 plus £3.95 P&P AMD that was more than enough to give all 48 decoys a thick coating, and then another coating too.
They DEFINATELY look a lot better now, and as the flocking is coming off some of my others, once they get too bad I will spray those too.
If it moves and is legal but also moral, SHOOT IT !!
Hi Redditch, I allways kept a can of flat black spray in my decoy bag. Once I put my decoys out if any had shiny spots on them I'd give them a quick spray, good as new! Have a great Christmas!!
He simply put them up as decoys, didn't mention flocking lol. They are the same as the flocked, but without the flocking. Still, for that price I'm not complaint.
£2.00 each INCLUDING P&P whereas the flocked cost generally FROM £7.50 each PLUS P&P, so a bargain whether flocked or not.
And I think this PLASTI-KOTE paint will be very durable compared to socks. Or flocking, and nly worked out at about £0.25p per bird, so again, very cheap, and a good finish too.
If it moves and is legal but also moral, SHOOT IT !!
You guys do know that you can buy a flocking kit for 100 goose decoys on ebay for 20 use black oil based rustoleum paint as the adhesive..............
with that kit, you can do a bout 50 crow decoys 3 or 4 times.....
Nice. But are you certain you don't have a bat decoy? This guy looks as if he's hanging upside-down from the ceiling.
unfortunately for some reason the board is putting them in upside down when posted from my iPad don't know if an admin can turn them around for me, as the board won't let me replace them either
-- Edited by Redditch on Wednesday 26th of December 2012 08:28:19 PM
If it moves and is legal but also moral, SHOOT IT !!
You guys do know that you can buy a flocking kit for 100 goose decoys on ebay for 20 use black oil based rustoleum paint as the adhesive..............
with that kit, you can do a bout 50 crow decoys 3 or 4 times.....
But you can't get it in the UK, and ordering stuff from the states. Oats more than the product. A flocking kit would probably be around $40-60.00 postage at least
If it moves and is legal but also moral, SHOOT IT !!
You guys do know that you can buy a flocking kit for 100 goose decoys on ebay for 20 use black oil based rustoleum paint as the adhesive..............
with that kit, you can do a bout 50 crow decoys 3 or 4 times.....
But you can't get it in the UK, and ordering stuff from the states. Oats more than the product. A flocking kit would probably be around $40-60.00 postage at least
I just checked on is 20 dollars for the kit, and 20 dollars shipping to the UK.....still a pretty good deal, shipping inside the USA is 8 dollars....
Here is how the stake is used through the full bodied decoys now
Again, for some reason its appeared upside downl but you can see how it works, and that's the main thing
-- Edited by Redditch on Thursday 10th of January 2013 02:33:35 PM
So, seeing as the new decoys didn't have stake holes, only holes for the feet pin, I decided to do them all Yeasterday. 20 mm hole in the bottom 3/4" in front of the foot pin hole, and then a 7/16" hole in the top two inches back from the head, so the top piece of the stake just pokes through, and keeps them nicely stood upright
If it moves and is legal but also moral, SHOOT IT !!
I just finished the construction of my 30 new decoys, using the old 1936 Popular Science pattern. I will post a photo of the entire "family" upon their completion.
"Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from a slave." -- Andrew Fletcher 1698
Hmmm, yep, seems to be the new iPad OS update is causing the problem. I'll have to remember next time, to use the editor to flip them over before posting, as once posted the new OS won't let any other be posted either to that particular thread even turning it and reporting doesn't help, the original upside down then still appears
If it moves and is legal but also moral, SHOOT IT !!