Do any of you guys collect crow calls or other game calls? I see a bunch of them on e-bay. I bought a few and will be buying some more of them, just curious as to what's the best ones to buy, Make & model. And do most of you just use a game caller, game caller and mouth call or just a mouth call? Pat
Walk lightly, Carry a Big Stick & NEVER WALK AWAY!!!
Kind of interesting as friend and I employed 2 ecallers together last fall. During all the confusion and ruckus I also used a hand call with a pleading crow in distress sound. Many times crows would zero in on my hand calling while the ecallers blasted a short distance to our front and flank. I just found it very difficult to mouth call with hearing protection donned.
Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid. John Wayne
I use e-caller and I add my voice for those times when there are just a couple out of range, I can turn them and bring them into range about 75% of the time.