I am located north of atlanta and we have had lots of rain,the corn fields are ankle deep in mud unless you set up and get out while the ground is frozen. I went out yesterday early am and found a spot along a tree line in a new cut corn field. This farm is 28 miles from the house and this is my 8th year hunting geese and crows on this field. I was by myself scouting that am and found a bit of high ground with cover and trees for the sentry birds. I arrived that am about 7;30 and the field had at least 150 crows eating in the field. I set the blind up at the north end of the field because the roosting area is on the south end some where. They roost some where in the tree covered hills and have been using the same fly way for years. It was not the best spot but it had cover for behind the blind and trees for the sentry. Plus with a bad back and having to carry the blind set up I was happy to get within 75 yds of the spot. The tree line on this field runs in L shape. The narrow part of the l is on south end. I have set up on this side before but futher down toward the angle of the L. I knew this was not ideal but I just had to HUNT. This rain was giving me cabin fever. So my buddy and I loaded up the atv, which I can not do by myself with a bad back and headed out. To make a long story short we killed 25 which was ok my record is 40 myself. The problem was the birds followed the tree line along the L and the trees were high and made for much longer shots then I would have liked. By moving to where my old spot was closer to the right angle of the tree line they come in lower, much lower. but that area was a pond. So in a month we go back and set up where I usually do better but what the heck we killed 25 shot lots of ammo ,glad I reload, and spent the day with my best buddy.
Sounds like a fun hunt. I went out in nerby Maine yesterday, 18 degrees and a slight breeze. No mud to deal with We killed 16 and had fun but winter in New England can be challenging.