Does or has anyone trained their hunting dogs on crows? Do you take your lab or other hunting dog with you crow hunting to work on retrieves? If not why?
CIGW Team member
Hunters ed instructor
Take a kid hunting you both will have fun
skeeter i use my 7yr old lab ever day off duck season guilding in mo he was trained off crows under 1yr old think about same thing calling ,shooting,send dog for packege. the more birds fall the better the dog
My lab or my English sitter would not touch a crow. They would retrieve anything else including Wood****, but wouldn't touch the crows.
My Jack Russell Terrier however will run out and retrieve crows, tear the wings off if they're still alive and will also fetch them out of water.
I find it funny you should mention this but I shot some crows years ago with a guy that had a springer. His dog too wouldn't have any part in picking up dead crows.
Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid. John Wayne
Speedy, that decoy was custom made by me. I carved it from styrofoam and then wrapped it in burlap that I soaked in tile mastic. The wings were cut from a black Rubber Made trashcan. :) there is a hole in its belly, I cut a green stick about six feet long, put one end in the ground and put decoy on it. The breeze makes it sway back and forth.
This dog is super fast. When a wounded crow is flopping or running/hopping on the ground she tackles the crows. Hits them as she is running wide open. It is a thrill to watch. She has them killed in about 3 seconds and that is not an exaggeration. She lives for it. She will also go down a groundhog hole and fight with them in the burrow. Sometimes she emerges with blood on her face but the blood is not hers. Last summer she pulled one out and by the time I got to her it was paralized, many holes chewed into the back of its neck.
Very tough little dog that was bred to go to ground for fox.
I had tree Jack Russels when I lived in Upstate New York for fox hunting, I used them on woodchucks during the summer, The older bitch dog I trained out for squirrel hunting as well, They are sure full of grit.
A friend had one that he took out coon hunting with his blueticks, that Jack Russel would drive the coons out of old fell down buildings, brush piles or other types of cover where the bigger hounds couldn't get into.
Another friend has roller pigeons, when a cooper hawk takes one of his pigeons to the ground his Jack Russell is all over it. It hits the hawk at full bore and it's dead in seconds. I think thats the only legal way to dispose of them coopers,if you get caught shooting them or trapping them the fine starts out at $5,000 and has gone up to $25,000, plus 40 hours of community service and twelve to eighteen monts of probation. I personally know severalpeople who got caught in a US Fish & Wildlike Sting Operation about seven years ago. "Operation High Roller" you could probably google it and read about it. A couple of years ago the did a "Goose Hunting Sting" right before the roller pigeon sting they dad a "Falconery Operation Sting" in Montana, I know one of the Game Wardens that was a part of that sting operation.
Jack Russels are wrth their weight in gold. There jumpers & diggers, real high energy dogs.
Walk lightly, Carry a Big Stick & NEVER WALK AWAY!!!
Shouldn't really use dogs on corvids, as the corvids, of still alive will try to peck the eyes of the dog, and you could end up with a seriously injured or even blind dog
If it moves and is legal but also moral, SHOOT IT !!
Shouldn't really use dogs on corvids, as the corvids, of still alive will try to peck the eyes of the dog, and you could end up with a seriously injured or even blind dog
You need to see a Jack Russell hit a wounded crow. If that crow has time to peck at the dog, he deserves any he can get. Hahahahaaa
HHaving a soft mouth might lead to a dog getting injured but my terrier has never been accused of having a soft mouth.......maybe a destructive mouth ........:)
I've been using my labs for 40+ years and they love it! But in the past I've seen pups shy away when the crows are not completely dead.Keep that im mind-Good Luck