Thought I'd pass on a source of batteries to you who use the AA or AAA type. I know my Spitfire uses up more than a few AAs during the season, along with my flashlights. is one of the "bargain a day" sites out there that seems to frequently have some genuine good deals. I was skeptical at first, but after doing some comparison shopping, I find that they do very well sometimes, even with their $5.00 flat-rate shipping. So, I've bought a few things from them and have been happy. Having done their endorsement (Nope, I didn't get a cent...) I recommend their sale today (Groundhog Day-Eve) on Duracell batteries.
I bought their 72 Kodak batteries a couple of months ago for the same $14.99. Some people say the Kodaks are junk, maybe so, but I've had no particular problem with the lot I purchased. Anyhow, 30 AA Duracells at this price (+ $5.00 shipping) is still much better than Wally-World.
Woot repeats the same sales periodically, so keep your eyes open.
"Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from a slave." -- Andrew Fletcher 1698
During the winter season our caller won't run the day on rechargables. On real cold days we have to change out regular batteries in the caller and in the motion decoys if we're running them.
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