The Goose flag worked for us. BIG FLAG grabbed their attention, the spread and the small motion decoys closed the deal. Turned the caller off and grab birds from a good way off. First bird, flying parallel to the blind about 400 to 500 yards out, died 20ft high and about 50ft from the blind. Next 2 birds we call OXYGEN MASKS, because anything that high, well you get the idea, dead. And the caller is still off. Group of 5, quartering away, showing no interest, throwed the flag out, first 2 in, down. Caller still off. Make of it what you will, but if I'm in a heavy blind there will be a flag propped up in front of me. It works on crows.
I took my flag out last week. There were a couple times when I believe it worked to pull them in from about a half mile. There were other times when they clearly saw it, but flew right on past our blind. I don't think it ever spooked them away from us.
How do you use it ??? Vid would be a nice ......Thanks !!!
When the crows are about 400 yards and further, with or without calling, with the flag laying flat on the ground, point the pole/flag towards the crows in the distance, lift it with a flapping motion and set it back down. You lift it from your left, go up into the air and set it down on your right. back and forth from side to side. What the crows think they're seeing is another crow lifting off the ground about 10 feet in the air and setting back down to feed or attack.
To be honest, as you're flagging for the first couple times, you might feel a little ridiculous or stupid. But, have your buddy do it while you are standing out there about 300-400 yards from him. It is amazing how real it will look. Waterfowl hunters have been doing it for years with great success. Very important to stop flagging if the crows/ducks/geese are closer than about 300 yards out. In fact, what they turn and are heading your direction, stop.
Many flags are camouflaged on one side and colored to look like a duck or goose on the other. That way, when you lay it flat when not using it, it blends in with the ground. I made my crow flag black on one side and painted the other side and the handle white to blend with the snow.
This video is of flagging for geese in a field. Not a great video, but it will give you a good idea of what flagging is like.