In the news today, the Gubmint is trying to muzzle survivors of Bengazi,and will not let them have legal counsel,yet the Bomber,who was on welfare,got his school and college paid by the taxpayer,gets his lawyer...
Pat Buchanen said it best when he named his book, "Suicide of a Super Power"
Four in Bengazi died, Obama and Hillary lied,We must never forget!!!!!!!!!!
In the news today, the Gubmint is trying to muzzle survivors of Bengazi,and will not let them have legal counsel,yet the Bomber,who was on welfare,got his school and college paid by the taxpayer,gets his lawyer...
Pat Buchanen said it best when he named his book, "Suicide of a Super Power"
And yet, I've worked hard all my life, 5th generation American, NEVER on welfare and I'm STILL in debt with my college loans after teaching for 13 years.