Hey everyone. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. I've hunted crow once or twice a few years back and I'm looking for some advice.
When I hunted crow in the past I used an electronic call, and usually used the "fighting crow" sound from foxpro to bring them in. That seemed to work well. However, I broke my foxpro and so I decided to give mouth calls a try. I went out and bought a gibson crow call from crowmart. I read over the beginner calling articles on the site, and think I have a handle on the different types of calls. I've been practicing all week in prep for this weekends hunting excursion.
One thing I'm not sure about is when to use what calls. The four calls I know are (and forgive the poor transcription):
Buy a Faulk C50 and another Gibson. If you have the time find a place where crows are feeding / known to feed. Get there before sunrise and listen to them communicating for ~30 or 45 mins.. you will figure out what they are saying to each other..
Best of luck to you!! Post some results and pics..
My favorite call is the feeding call (ca-caw ca-caw, slight pause, ca-caw ca-caw). I usually use this with a come here call. That makes up about 85-90% of my calling. As far as the type of mouth call, my favorite is the Jack Mincey, which I bought in the Crowmart.