I truly regret not having my camera with me this morning. Going to an appointment this a.m., when just a couple of hundred yards down the road, I saw a "...dead skunk in the middle of the road..." (*you've heard the song, fur' shur'). And from my olfactory response, whomever ran it down, squished the glands that count, making it a memorable ride; both directions. But, best of all, just which species do you suppose I saw, both ways, feasting on the fragrant, furry corpse...? Hmmmmm?
*For some of you young folks out there who have never heard this classic, here's a version updated with some graphics added by some creative computer student out there somewhere.
Though I did not take them, I had to include the photos. The last one I found at some tree hugger site. I am indeed in favor of braking for crows, then shooting them!