I was out with my boy this weekend chasing some ruffed grouse in the bush as crows for the most part have left south into the Mid West for the winter. We managed to shoot some ruffed grouse but in our travels blundered upon a small group of tardy crows feeding out in a harvested bean field. Luckily still had the FoxPro on board and pressed that into action. Four broke over a line of spruce, three left unscathed, one dropped at my feet from a well placed high shot. A big black glossy specimen it was too! But... can sadly say this crow would likely to be the last of the 2014 season for me. Pictures attached for your enjoyment
M12: Two beautiful pictures!!! Love that Ruffed Grouse your son is holding. Would love to have it mounted in my gun room!! You described this crow as probably the last one of your year/season/etc. Is this because all the birds are headed south? When are you going to get that boy a full sized gun? I bet the crows can hardly hear it when he shoots!!!
Thanks for the commentary guys. Yes Skip, most of the crows up here generally pull out and go south across the 49th by mid october... and a real shotgun for the master is in order!
Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid. John Wayne