Had a client call me up this am and had a bad last few weeks and wanted to get out shooting. So he was at my place by 3pm and at 330 we were hiding in the rows of standing corn. I've watched the crows hitting this field hard the last week. Standing on the ears and eating the corn. By 5:10 he had 129 crows dead. He used an over and under and went through 189 shells. No pic since it would of been to hard in the dark and to much work to try and find them in the corn. But my counter showed me the number I needed to see.
I like watching just as much as shooting lol. Well maybe not.....
I have used standing corn to hide in for many years, love it! Last year with the hot summer most of the corn didn't grow and burned up but this year there is corn in all my hunting areas, makes my day this year to be out it a corn field!
The only good crow is the one your about to shoot!