Had planned to hunt a dove field tomorrow, but postponed it due to heavy rains. There were crows there before the rain, but what can I expect in a badly soaked sunflower field? Will they avoid a soggy field until it dries out?
The man who thinks he can, and the man who thinks he can’t are both right.
Can't speak for sunflower fields. But I can tell you up here a soggy field does not seem to bother them, nor does landing and feeding in a snow covered field with fresh manure.
One of the best hunts I ever had was a foggy morning. The crows were so curious of the calls, they had to come in low, under the fog to see what was going on.
Had to be quick with the gun, but they kept coming for over a hour.
One of the best hunts I ever had was a foggy morning. The crows were so curious of the calls, they had to come in low, under the fog to see what was going on. Had to be quick with the gun, but they kept coming for over a hour.
I've noticed this also. I always hope for fog/overcast. Anything that limits the buggers range of vision is always a GOOD thing.