This week has been one of those truly busy ones that keeps me on my toes. Crow hunt on Monday, early monthly staff meeting, Estimator out w/ burst appendix, meet with doctor about shoulder, meetings, Boy Scout fundraiser work, etc. plus throw in a minor fender-bender. And of all weeks to be on the run it was when I had scheduled a trip to have a shooting lesson with John Woolley. John is an Englishman who came over to work at a hunting club and has since made a name for himself in the shooting world. He has several world championships wins under his belt and does a lot of shooting clinics for sporting clays shooters. He and I have been good friends for 13 years now. Here is his bio:
John is also a crow hunter and has hunted with me several times. We were to start the shooting clinic yesterday afternoon, so he called me and asked that I bring crow gear to do a little hunting in the morning before the clinic. Sounded like a plan, so I showed up before sunup and we had a little fun with the black winged doves and got 9 of them on the ground (I did say "a little fun" after all, I'm no Bob A. when it comes to high-volume!). The clinic was at Dorchester Shooting Preserve in Midway, GA, just south of Savannah and that is what prompted my posting. If you ever want to go on a nice quail shoot, this is the place!
Dorchester sits on 5,000 acres of beautifully managed quail habitat plus they have a great lodge, fantastic food, sporting clays & 5-Stand courses, deer/turkey/duck hunting if quail is not enough, fresh and salt water fishing, a nice pro shop, cabins for rent, etc., etc. Their Manager, Chuck, knows how to please the outdoorsman! Here is their website:
As busy as my week was, our crow hunt happened to be on a slow day for Dorchester, the slow day enabled us to run & gun across the entire property. What a beautiful spot with riverfront views, pinelands, swamps, and other diverse features. I shot a picture or two around the lodge to give you a touch of what they have to offer. Enjoy!