Grandson and I left home at 1a:m drove 4 hrs and set up on a good spot, only the crows had moved. We picked up 15 and still had a great time together. Got to spend 8 hrs talking to him and listening to him while driving, 17 yrs goes by to quick. Got to watch him talk to the landowners and was well pleased to see the young man he has become, funny how I miss stuff like this in everyday life, but go Huntin with them and I guess your senses become sharper and you pay more attention to detail even on non hunting stuff or it's just you leave all the outside interference behind. Anyway that wraps us up till next fall unless we stumble on to some close to home. Hope to be hunting thru yall's post here on out. Now it's time for this wore out man to go to bed! ( lol)
I'm am thankful mostly, have seen young people raised the right way make one bad decision and destroy or cause a lot of turmoil in their lives and families. Hunting crows has gave me and the boys a lot of bonding time together, as you know nothing like sitting in a blind with family or a good friend waiting for Mr. Crow to show up. Just plain old good times!
I never had kids of my own but have three girl friends, all sisters, two are twins (12 years old) and one 11 years old. I know the mom and she trusts me with them, I take them on little day trips around the state when the weather is nice. I had them all over for dinner the other night when the outside weather was nice. We had a cook out in the backyard.
The father is a computer geek and does not spend any time with them. Got permission from there mother to let them all shoot a .22 cal. pistol in the backyard, they could take it or leave it. What they all like is horses so we all go riding in the spring and summer months. They are all good kids.
To listen to this radio talk show go to episode 12, Bob Aronsohn
That's what it's all about, just taking time with them and being a true friend. And I do like you showing them how to use a pistol, a woman needs to be able to defend themselves, took me 25 years to convince my wife this and now you don't won't her shooting at you!