Shot a crow today with a large tumor growing on the right side of it's head. I suspect they are easier to shoot if they are half blind. On a serious note I have picked up a lot of dead crows and have never seen this before.
This looks similar to a disease of House Finches called avian conjunctivitis. I've seen several house finches with it, but never any crows. Here is some information about it:
It might be worth reporting it to Cornell. They are great with strange bird things.
The man who thinks he can, and the man who thinks he can’t are both right.
Next time if at all possible that type of bird must be disposed of in a fashion to keep other birds or crows from getting infected..I hope you hared this [ugh!] with Fish and Game as I think they need to know...I am sorry to see that in New Hampshire land but all the same you two [spoiler]did spectacular in the Granite State! {Applauds]