Mine take a bit of a beating being in a decoy bag and all but they seem to be ok for at least one full season of use. I touched up the flocking on mine about a month before out early season opened up this year. I assume I will be doing that every year from here on.
I use black plastic decoys. I simply wash them when I get dirt on them. I re-paint them about once a year with Krylon Satin Black spray paint.
In the movie "The Magnificent Seven" circa 1960, a poor dirt farmer said to Yul Brynner, "All men carry a gun". Yul Brynner replied, " Same as they wear pants, it's expected". When your body gets dirty, you bathe. It's expected. When your decoys get dirty, you cleanse them. It's expected.
I use black plastic decoys. I simply wash them when I get dirt on them. I re-paint them about once a year with Krylon Satin Black spray paint.
In the movie "The Magnificent Seven" circa 1960, a poor dirt farmer said to Yul Brynner, "All men carry a gun". Yul Brynner replied, " Same as they wear pants, it's expected". When your body gets dirty, you bathe. It's expected. When your decoys get dirty, you cleanse them. It's expected.
Circa Dec. 2015.
My favorite spray paint for my flock of wood decoys is Army "OD," (Over Dirt).
Just kidding, I might knock the big pieces of mud off .
"Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from a slave." -- Andrew Fletcher 1698
I use 6 of those "Boondoker" shells that were on sale here quite some time ago. They are flocked thus care must be taken when storing and transporting. Simply put them in a small burlap potato like bag. They are compact and light. Best deeks I have ever used