I remember the first time I ran across Bob & Dick on a hunting trip.
We stayed at the same motel complex. They had their portable blind set up in the parking lot. They had a stopwatch out and were discussing how to assemble the blind faster. You can tell when fellas are committed to the sport when they do "timed drills" in parking lots.
When the snow gets deep the crows go to areas where they can get some food like hog yards, feed lots, big chicken operations and county landfills.
Years ago I met Jim Lundquist for the very first time about 100 yards west of the county sewer plant shooting crows. There was about a foot of snow on the ground and the crows wanted in there! There were two dumps in Reno County years ago and one in Sedgwick County plus the sewer plant in Reno County. We had some wonderful memories around those kind of places. We also had a big hog operation that we hunted when the snow got deep in Reno County.
I wish I would have taken pictures of some of those battle fields around the dump in Hutchinson years ago. The predators could not keep up with all the dead crows laying around that were not eaten! There is a gal that I take out to dinner once and a while, I used to hunt crows with her dad years ago. There was 2 feet of snow on the ground and we shot crows around that dump for 3 days in a row and had well over 1,000 dead crows on the ground, it was quite a sight. I am convinced that not all crows go out the same way each day because during those 3 days the crows acted like it was opening day every one of those days.