This morning Paul and I made a return trip to the orchard we hunted a couple weeks ago. Bad idea but in our defense the owner was pretty persistent in getting us back to control his crow population. Seems as though he doesn't like watching his profits fly away. As you would imagine we got our butts handed to us and only killed 22 but the hunt was made worth while when I picked up on particular crow. This crow was one of a pair that came in, Paul shot the first one dead as a hammer the second one banked to my side and I threw a hail marry shot at him. The shot connected but not enough to drop him there. I watched the crow as he flew away and all of a sudden he dropped out of the air.
I know it is pretty special to shoot a piebald but the question I have for you guys is, does this bird have enough piebald to warrant mounting him? I would love to hear what you guys think.
As expected, Dale pulled of some long shot's this morning, & accounted for the majority of the 22. Things weren't looking very good until we went out to retrieve some of the far kills. That's when i heard a lot of yelling from Dale. I wondered what was going on, Then he got close enough for me to hear piebald !
I made a call to the taxidermy that did my blondie & he said $250 to do a good job on Dales piebald. My opinion is that as much of a crow nut that Dale is he may as well have it stuffed because he'll probably have quite a collection in the future !