welcome aboard, I remember my 8 or 9 bird days so I've been there. To keep things simple I'll recommend the following. #7.5 or #8 shot with a modified choke will get you going, Don't keep calling the same birds ! you'll educate them fast and you don't want that. For run and gun setups I usually don't stay in any given spot for more than 10 minutes unless new birds are still coming in. Remember, time spent scouting is more valuable than time spent calling in nothing. Good luck. Paul.
If you're just getting 8 or 9 crows you shouldn't be spending much time there to do it. When we set up in a blind we better be getting ten or more in the first hour or we need to be scouting for a better place. Sometimes we wait them out thinking they are on their way but you don't want to waste your time either.
Camo gives sound advice. We spend as much time scouting as we do hunting. Not sure what the numbers are like in your area, but if they're scattered out in small groups, running and gunning may be your best option.
We rarely run and gun, but when calling in that situation, I start out passive, (feeding/come here), and end the set aggressive, (distress/fight).
Use the search feature at the top of the page, a wealth of information has been posted over the years.
Thanks for all of the replies.
After watching the videos on this site.
I don’t think I have the numbers like you said.
My farm is 120 acres. Long and narrow.
Would you recommend multiple sets across the farm from front to back
Should I be moving further away ( a mile or more) to hunt totally different birds?
Thanks for all of the replies. After watching the videos on this site. I don’t think I have the numbers like you said.
My farm is 120 acres. Long and narrow. Would you recommend multiple sets across the farm from front to back OR Should I be moving further away ( a mile or more) to hunt totally different birds?
Are you using an e-caller or hand call? Take into consideration the area your covering with the call. Don't have any idea of the terrain, but with little or no breeze a set on each end, (assuming 3/4 of a mile), would work.
In my neck of the woods, I'd take a few days and locate the groups in the area, noting the time of day and where I spotted them. Then plan a hunt accordingly.
If you have any pecan tree's in your area take a drive by them in the morning time & watch for crow activity for a while. The later we get into winter the more it's about their food sources.
In the past, my setups would be productive for an hour at most. With most of the success coming in the first 15 to 20 minutes and earlier in the season before the remaining crows get educated…