Easter crows
Had a few good spring hunts. Out this morning and shot 28 crows before breakfast. Didn't see the Easter bunny but did have a couple coyotes bark at me for a bit!! Ted
MI crows--no. Mi turkey--yes
I forgot to mention in response to M12 Shooter’s “Black on White” photo essay, (yesterday), that MI turkey season begins today. My spring turkey season ended at 0830 this morning when a bird that took 50 minutes to call in (there’s a reason for that, I think) decided to try to be slick and take a route to m...
Old Artilleryman
New post in the Buy, Sell, Trade
Forgive the cross posting. If this is bad form, please feel free to delete. I am just trying to get more exposure. For sale: New Primos Alpha Dogg Regards, John
There was a time when I never paid attention to many of the sounds around me, I would hear, identify what animal , bird , or whatever and go on about what ever I was doing , except deer huntin where sounds help to alert you of game activity. Said all that to say since my 1st time in a blind , listening to the E-...
Possible new Decoy!! Question for ya'll before I proceed.
Hello Guys, I know its been a long time since I posted here, but I still lurk a bit. My Boondocker Flocker Crows have been so successful in the past few years that I am thinking of expanding the line. The question is which would you like to see more? A "Boondocker Flocker Dove" or a "Bo...
Fisher crows
Turkey season in Kentucky April 12. Crow season out till Sept 1 hear :( Ok are they more fisher crows in Florida than good old crows. Why I ask my grand son there want get him a fox pro caller And did not know have to load any fisher calls on it. They are in Panama FL why I ask.
Some spring hunts
Here in Quebec Canada, there is a LOT of snow this spring The temperature is really cold for that time of year I did some good hunts but crows are hard to find, they are not in large number yet Set up of the last hunt, total of 32 crows
Crow Therapy: The cure for cabin fever.
Finally, enough snow melted to get to one of my usual spots just outside of town. Just about any snow will cause my rear-wheel drive truck to become stuck, so there have been simply no places to park off-road, all year (I’m told). As the local in-town crows have been driving me nuts with their arroganc...
Old Artilleryman
Crow Busters
Destroy life. Hey? Why only crows? If only people would blast your guts out. That would be justice. Unevolved Morons.
corvus corvus
Cold, snow and crows
Went out this morning. It was really cold here (Quebec Canada) -21 celcius (-5 Fahrenheit) and a feeling of -30 celcius (-22 Fahrenheit) with the wind!!! Had a good hunt, the crows were feeding in this area close to the farm so they were confidents and come in really close The blind is in the first pic...
New personal record
Had my best crow hunt this morning.....and it was a solo hunt!! Went to another farm where crows are feeding. Set-up the decoys and the blind with the full moon was enchanting Crows were comming from everywhere but I was ablo to shot 360 degree Pictures 1- view from inside the blind 2- this crow was sm...
Crow Swimming Lessons
I went on a short hunt this AM. With nearly 150 inches of snow in my area this winter, things are pretty wet with melting now. The field I hunted this morning was nearly all sheet water ranging from 1 inch deep to 8 inches deep. Every dead bird hit with a splash. I knew this hunt would not be a barn burner b...
Big Honkers
Chinese Crows
I now work in China and had a chance to take my daughter with me for a few weeks. Wonderful trip. While in Beijing, very near Tienanmen Square and across from the Forbidden City, I found a pantload of crows! This is unusual only because I have not seen many birds at all, let alone a nice sized murder of crow...
Ammo and Powder shortage
I am sure everyone here has noticed over the last year ammo and reloading components have been harder to find and often higher priced when you do find them. In my observation some stuff has become easier to find like .223 ammo, some stuff has become harder to find such as reloading powders for shotguns...
how was your spring
I had a great start to 2014. it ends tomorrow, heavy rain today. Might get out if it stops. This is the best spring shoot I have ever had . with all the snow and cold I didn't think it would be that good. How did you others make out? Now a month off than turkey season, good luck hunting, 10gacs
Hello from Wisconsin
Greetings, Long time lurker here, first time posting. Today I was bow hunting(deer) and as soon as I got outta the truck I knew I should have grabbed my shotgun instead. There was the sound of hundreds of crows. I hunt near a river and have shot a few crows in the area before. I walked down to the river and...
Another dose of Crow Therapy
Almost the end of Michigan's FEB-MAR season and just had to get out once again. Took the easy set-up with natural camouflage, about 4 miles outside of town, where I downed 7 two weeks ago. Turns out that there were at least three bandits that did not get an education back then. I was in the same small but ti...
Old Artilleryman
The new crow museum
Some of these decoys date back to the 1940's & 50's. The owl & crow sets are from the mid 1960's. Plus you can see the various stuffed piebald crows. You will also see an old 45 RPM record player e-caller; a "Call of the Wild" Circ. 1960 Also some of the different model Johnny Stewart ca...
Crow and/or coyote hunting in Pennslyvania
I was wondering if its worth the money to purchase a liscense to hunt during the summer. I am from ny and want to continue to mostly hunt Crow. Is their anybody that can help me out with this. Area's to hunt, places not to hunt. Thanks for your input.
Triple Play Mods
This one is for you, Marv! How did I modify my Edge Triple Play? I made a wired remote similar to the Buster II mod on this website, and I went to a 9 volt battery from the 4 AAs. It's pretty simple. Pictures attached. 1. Get a spool of speaker wire - I used 75 feet, not sure of the gauge. Just a simple solde...
Nebraska Crow Hunting
It has been awhile since I have posted here . I will be moving to Nebraska and wanted to know how the crow hunting is there . What is there seasons and limits ? Thank you Jim R
Jim R
Crow kill study
Researchers for the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority found over 200 dead crows near greater Boston recently, and there was concern that they may have died from Avian Flu. A Bird Pathologist examined the remains of all the crows, and, to everyone's relief, confirmed the problem was definitely NO...
Crows and snow
Anyone have advice and any luck hunting crow while the snow is falling not just after on the ground?
Crow In Close - Pic
Greetings from Michigan! Had one work in really, really close this AM. This crow is taking the phrase "hanging on by a thread" a little too literally. #7's to the neck. I will say this, my wife was not too proud of my choice of photo opportunities.
Big Honkers
Just bought out 3 WalMart stores!
I got back from Wichita Kansas yesterday with a load of 5,000 trap loads in # 8 shot. I'm glad I have 10 ply tires on the 4x4. I had to go to three different Walmarts but I took all they had. Now I can coast and pick up some here & there between now and next crow season. It's all stacked up in the ammo dump at th...
I Knew It!!!!!
Russia!!!!! We shoulda took care of them in the 80's when we had a real commander n chief and we had em by the crotch!!!!! I knew it!!!!
Stat's not for the faint of heart!
I just came off of my last hunt for the season. I was on 27 crow hunts either solo or with Dick my partner. Our average per shoot was 217 crows. In 40 seasons I have been on 1,503 crow hunts and shot (just my share) 151,148 crows. The grand total over the years with a variety of partners comes to 228,829 crows!...
Crow Busters Pt 5
Well I'm a tired puppy! Went out today to bust some more crows I can't remember when I've had more fun. We had another supposedly dead crow flew by my head today I had to turn around and blast him before he got over the hill! We scratched down about 31 or 32 but we only found 21 of them! Charlie's 2 is kind of fun...
Last day of the IL season hunt
Since it was the last day of the season, I decided to take the day off and get out one last time before I put all of my crow gadgets away. It started out well with a west wind at 10-15mph that would quickly switch to an east wind just before sunrise. Fortunately I was pretty well covered from both sides to allo...
Annual North Carolina Predator Hunters Association group hunt report
The NCPHA held it's annual group hunt last Saturday, in Granville County, NC. Chuck, Jerry, Mike, Dave and I met at 6:30 and stood around for a while to see if anyone else was going to show up. The temperature being somewhat south of 30 degrees, we did not wait too darn long. Our first stop was outside of B...